[Annunci Jota-Joti] Due notizie per gli informatici sulla lista...

Gino Lucrezi (Referente FIS JOTA-JOTI) jota-joti a scouteguide.it
Gio 26 Mar 2009 12:10:26 CET

Notizia #1; se qualcuno vuole andare a lavorare a Ginevra per un anno e
mezzo, legga qui:


Notizia #2:
Il national Jota/Joti organizer della Nuova Zelanda chiede se qualcuno
puo` essere online sul canale #english di Scoutlink dalle 06:15 alle 7:00
di venerdi` mattina.



---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [NJO] New Zealand joti-type activity.
From:    "Jim Parnell" <jim-p a ihug.co.nz>
Date:    Sun, March 22, 2009 23:41
To:      njo a joti.org

Hi all,

On the evening of Friday 27th March, the NZ Scout Association is having a
special function in the Grand Hall of the Parliament Buildings.

There will be a variety of activities presented, including a session of
activity of Scoutlink (#english) between 1915 and 2000 hours NZ DST (which
is 13 hours ahead of UTC).

There could aslo be a set-up period on Scoutlink about 1600 hours.

Messages from scouting people from around the world are invited.


Jim Parnell.
NJO for JOTI in New Zealand.

jim-p a ihug.co.nz
JOTI-NJO mailing list
njo a joti.org

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