[Annunci Jota-Joti] Notizie dai radioamatori ungheresi

Gino Lucrezi (Referente FIS per il JOTA-JOTI) jota-joti a scouteguide.it
Dom 17 Ott 2010 10:31:13 CEST

Prima una comunicazione di servizio: in questo momento, jotajoti.org funziona e va anche veloce. Approfittatene.

Dopodiche' vi giro una comunicazione ricevuta dal National Joti Organizer ungherese, riguardante l'insostituibile lavoro fatto dai radioamatori ungheresi per ripristinare le comunicazioni in due villaggi colpiti dalla marea di fango nei giorni scorsi.


---------- Original Header -----------

From      : "Babos, Gábor" 
To          : "NJO-list" 
Cc          : 
Date      : Sat, 16 Oct 2010 23:05:00 +0200
Subject : [NJiC] FM radio in disaster area

Dear all, first of all Radio Scouts,

you all probably know about the red sludge disaster in Hungary, which
occurred a week ago. Since in the two villages worst hit even basic
infrastructure was damaged, some volunteers installed quickly an FM
radio station to inform the inhabitants about the relevant news (e.g.
how they can get the mail sent to them the post not functioning or
when shops are open etc.). The "studio" works in the local catholic
parish with the sponsorship of the priest.

There is also a video about it, unfortunately only in Hungarian:

Yours in Scouting

Gábor Babos
JOTI-NJO mailing list
njo a joti.org

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