[Discussioni Jota-Joti] R: scout e stazione spaziale internazionale ISS

La.Torre, M. - Matteo - Matteo.La.Torre a canon.it
Lun 24 Ago 2009 10:34:20 CEST

Ottimo , ricevuti forte e chiaro anche io , peccato un po di noise atmosferico iniziale . Direi che questa è la prova provata che anche i collegamenti dall' europa sono possibili tra scout ed iss ...prima li avevo sentitti sempre da usa od al massimo da uk . 
No sarebbe male organizzare qualcosa per lo jota .....cosa ne dite ? 

Matteo La Torre
Product Training Specialist
CCI Marketing
Canon Italia S.p.A.
Via Milano 8
20097 San Donato Milanese Italia
Tel: +39 02.8248.2915
FAX: +39 02.8248.4915
Cell. +39 335 7829667
matteo.latorre a canon.it

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-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: nunzio [mailto:nunzio a videobank.it] 
Inviato: sabato 22 agosto 2009 16.59
A: La.Torre, M. - Matteo -; JOTA e JOTI in Italia - Discussioni [italiano]
Oggetto: Re: [Discussioni Jota-Joti] scout e stazione spaziale internazionale ISS

Ciao ti confermo che ho ricevuto la ISS in qso con gli scout svizzeri , 
spero quanto prima di mettere il video su youtube.

Non riesco a replicare su <jotajoti-discussioni a scoutnet.org>

nunzio ha scritto:
> Ciao domani provero' io . Tempo fa avevo provato a scrivere all'ARRL e 
> mi spiegarono che e' difficile concordare un o sked ..peccato.
>> Hi, I am Nunzio (IT9SAK) from Belpasso ( Sicily) I would like 
>> organize a sked with the astronaut on board and the local scout group 
>> , but I don't know How do IT.
>> It is necessary register in a site or there are other particular 
>> procedure ?
>> For the europe the frequency is 145.800 uplink and downlink ?
>> Best 73 and I hope a reply for this question
>> -----------
>> To request a contact with the ISS crew, you need to submit an 
>> application. The form is available at 
>> http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/ariss-ap.html and the wait is about a year 
>> with the number of applicants already on the list.
>> The uplink and downlinks vary depending on mode and region. Check the 
>> link below my name for the normal ones.
>> Kenneth - N5VHO
>> http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station/reference/radio/
>> Support ARISS http://www.amsat-na.com/store/donation.php (select 
>> "Human Spaceflight (ARISS))
>> La.Torre, M. - Matteo - ha scritto:
>>> Vi giro un info appena appresa  e visto che ero in vena di contatti 
>>> , questo non è da perdere !
>>> Sabato alle 10.20 utc sarà possibile ascoltare un campo scout 
>>> svizzero che contatterà la iss  vi giro la comunicazione  e su con 
>>> le antenne !
>>> Chi di voi pensa di essere in ascolto ?
>>> August 20, 2009
>>> An International Space Station school contact has been planned with 
>>> participants at the Girl and Boy Scouts of Maur: Pfadimuur, Forch, 
>>> Switzerland on Saturday 22 August. The event is scheduled to begin 
>>> at approximately 08:20 UTC, which is 10:20 CEST.
>>> The contact will be direct between OR4ISS and HB9TSO. The contact 
>>> should be audible over parts of Europe. Interested parties are 
>>> invited to listen in on the 145.800 MHz FM downlink. The contact is 
>>> expected to be conducted in English.
>>> The ARISS contact will be distributed on EchoLink *AMSAT* and 
>>> *JK1ZRW* conference servers, as well as on IRLP Discovery Channel 9010.
>>> The international year of astronomy inspired a few scout guides from 
>>> Maur near Zürich, Switzerland to create a special scout event, the 
>>> Astrocamp 2009, where participants from 5 to 20 years shall learn 
>>> about the following three topics which are scout qualifications: 
>>> astronomy and space technology, communication technologies, 
>>> journalism and public relations.
>>> Therefore they planned 3 Saturdays, where about 100 active Pfadi 
>>> Muur scouts have the possibility to visit one of the above named 
>>> workshops. The event will begin with the ARISS contact, where 20 
>>> children get the opportunity to talk to an astronaut and at the end 
>>> of the course they will present the workshop results such as a 
>>> planet route, a telescope made out of a drain (astronomy) or a 
>>> broadcasting local UKW radio station (journalism) as well as a 
>>> self-constructed aircraft radio receiver in a second event open for 
>>> public on September 19. The Swiss astronomy expert Bruno Stanek will 
>>> hold a speech and together with people of a local observatory the 
>>> scouts will have a look into the sky. The technical team that will 
>>> provide the equipment for the ARISS contact is led by Mario 
>>> Malacarne who has established two ARISS contacts so far.
>>> Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time 
>>> allows:
>>> 1. Have you been a Scout?
>>> 2. How many Scouts are now on the ISS?
>>> 3. Do the astronauts always eat together?
>>> 4. How do you save a lost astronaut outside the ISS?
>>> 5. What is the most important experiment you carry out?
>>> 6. Is it possible to born a baby in space?
>>> 7. Do you have privacy onboard the ISS?
>>> 8. What is impressive in space?
>>> 9. What is your task on the ISS?
>>> 10. Do you sleep well in space?
>>> 11. What is dangerous in space?
>>> 12. What is your favourite space food?
>>> 13. What are the disadvantages of living in space?
>>> 14. How do you wash yourself?
>>> 15. Is the social life difficult on the ISS?
>>> 16. Is your family in fear?
>>> 17. Do you feel homesick?
>>> 18. What is hard for you in space?
>>> 19. How do you feel when you move in zero gravity?
>>> 20. How do you eat in zero gravity?
>>> ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering 
>>> the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, 
>>> CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from 
>>> participating countries.
>>> ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the 
>>> excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers 
>>> onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and 
>>> communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on 
>>> ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and 
>>> learning.
>>> 73
>>> Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
>>> ARISS Chairman
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>>> Jotajoti-discussioni a scoutnet.org
>>> http://list.scoutnet.org/lists/listinfo/jotajoti-discussioni

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