[Annunci Jota-Joti] Radioamatori cercansi per campo scout!

Gino Lucrezi (NJO Italy) jota-joti a scouteguide.it
Lun 27 Apr 2009 08:58:36 CEST

Il NJO tedesco ha mandato una richiesta di aiuto.

Vorrebbe alcuni radioamatori al campo nazionale dell'associazione Bund der
Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder, l'associazione pluriconfessionale tedesca.


Chi volesse aiutarlo, puo` scrivergli direttamente, vi giro il suo messaggio.


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [NJO-Network] Looking for a Radio Team
From:    "Jochen" <J.Sulovsky#gmx.de>
Date:    Sun, April 26, 2009 15:39
To:      NJO-Network

Hello NJO's

I know it's very late so send this Mail, but since Yesterday I know that I
organize the Radio Scouting Station at the BdP national Jamboree.
Now I must look for a Radio Team and hope that you can help me.
Please send this mail to your countrys and ask your Scoutfriends, if they
want to come this summer from the 27.7.-8.8.2009 to Germany.
About the Camp you can find more Infos in the web under
Please help me to find a international Radio Team for the national Jamboree.

Jochen DK8ZM

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